

The Overwhelm First Aid Kit:

A step-by-step guide to get yourself out of overwhelm in super-quick time

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Is the very THOUGHT of what’s on your to-do list sending you into a spiral of panic? The help you need is right here

Download the Overwhelm First Aid Kit

This super useful 3-tool pack includes:

  • A step-by-step guide for how to get yourself out of overwhelm in super-quick time
  • A simple, actionable workbook to apply the 10-step process simply and effectively
  • A handy printable checklist you can put on your wall as a quick reference for any time it all becomes a bit too much.

This first aid kit won’t walk you through a time-sucking treatise on productivity and time management. Instead it’ll instantly give you the help you need to get through the tasks on your plate right now, today, with this deadline – without going insane.

If you are too busy to do ANYTHING (except panic about how busy you are) – this is for you.

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"Myself, my team, and thousands of women in the One of many community turn to this ridiculously useful, proven-to-be-powerful tool whenever things feel like they’re too much.

Download the kit, and use it - it’s simple and it works...say goodbye to that feeling of overwhelm in double quick time!"

- Dr Joanna Martin, Founder, One of many®

Get Free INSTANT Access to this super useful 3-tool pack

"The overwhelm first aid kit: A step-by-step guide to get yourself out of overwhelm in super-quick time"

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