We are living at an extraordinary moment in history.
…And it brings with it extraordinary challenges.
Political unrest. Racial injustice. The climate crisis. Conflict. Covid. Inequality. Economic turbulence. Violence against women.
You want to look back and know you stood up and did something, when the world needed you most.
(You're just not sure if you have what it takes - or how to go about it.)
At One of many, we believe it's not just politicians, activists and CEOs who are going to shape the world in our lifetimes. It's women like you.
Everyday women who care. Who feel. And who are committed to changing their corner of the world.
Women who are ready to Lead the Change they want to see - and to learn how to do so using a radically different model of power.
Power to change our own lives.
Power to change the world for others.
But first - let’s get real. Right now, you’re pouring every ounce of energy into firefighting the day to day stuff: work, family, finances, health, relationships. You don’t have the bandwidth to decide to change the world as well.
But this is not an either / or journey.
If you’re only focused on getting your life sorted – you’ll never be ready to have a bigger impact. Give everything to changing the world - and your relationships and wellbeing will likely pay the price.
The answer lies in discovering a different way to lead.
When you find the tools to help you deeply understand, express and care for YOU…
…you’ll also find the key to your life’s purpose.
And unlock an impact bigger than you ever thought possible.
How do you know it’s time?
You’re juggling it all, and pulled in 1000 different directions - but none of them towards the “something bigger” you feel you’re capable of.
Hard work’s got you where you are, and if you’re going to take things to the next level there needs to be a different way.
You know that balance is an illusion, but you’re also done with success which demands compromise (of health, of intimacy, of joy). You’re looking for a new path.
Perhaps you’re facing a new leadership opportunity in your organisation, your business or your community, and you want to do it right.
You crave a deeply supportive community where your greatest contribution is inspired, celebrated, indeed expected.
Any of these sound familiar? Let’s talk about how Lead the Change can support you to flourish.
There’s a powerful woman in you. You might not recognise her yet.
You might be busy firefighting the small stuff; financial security, family dynamics, health, boss or staff problems.
Heck, we all have good days and bad days!
But this is not an either / or journey.
It is only by stepping up to a bigger game, that we can discover the power to handle life’s headaches AND make a difference. The two work together. If you’re always only focusing on getting life sorted – it will never be sorted. It’s only with an eye to something more meaningful that these problems tend to sort themselves.
How do you know it’s time?
- You are feeling pulled in many different directions, but none of them towards the “something bigger” you know you’re capable of.
- You know there’s work to do in some or many of your platform pillars – vitality, relationships, vocation, wealth, network – but you’re the kind of woman who knows growth is a lifelong thing, not some place to arrive.
- You’ve worked hard to get where you are, and you sense that there must be an easier way to take things to the next level.
- Perhaps you’re facing a new leadership opportunity in your organisation, your business or your community, and you want to do it right.
- While you feel, like many, that balance is an enigma, you’re also done with success which demands compromise (of health, of intimacy, of joy). You’re looking for a different path.
- Perhaps without knowing it, you’ve been looking for a deeply supportive community where your greatest contribution is celebrated, indeed demanded.
If you resonate with one or more of these positions, then it’s time to talk to us about how Lead the Change can support you to flourish..
Lead the Change
Power to change your life. Power to change the world.
Admission is by an Application Call only.
To apply, pay a refundable application fee to book a no-obligation conversation today.
What is Lead the Change?
Lead the Change is the Premier Training, Coaching and Support program for women wanting to step up and truly embrace “Soft Power” in every context of their lives.
In a world where most leadership and personal growth has been created by men – it is a uniquely powerful opportunity for women committed to the very best. Offering a new way created by women for women.
If you’re ready for a 12 month journey that will change the trajectory of the next 12 years, then you are ready to Lead the Change. And, for the first time, you can access this incredible leadership programme from wherever you are in the world - through the power of technology.
Here’s what you can expect over the 12 months:
- The entire One of many retreat series
- Lead The Change workshop series
- Monthly Soft PowerCasts
- Tickets to the One Woman Conference
Coaching and Support
- Twice monthly individual Soft PowerCoaching
- Monthly Soft PowerCircle
- Living The Change membership (12 months)
- Access to the Change Forum
The entire One of many® retreat series
Take a quarterly weekend for you, to recharge, up-level and return re-invigorated to work and life.

BeVital: Energy for life
Whether you feel on the way to burn out, already burnt out, or know that health just always falls to the bottom of the list, then it’s time to tap into your energy for life.
We women are very obviously biologically different to men. It makes sense therefore that how we use our body, what we put in it, and how we nourish it should be different. So why is all the health advice out there one size fits all sexes?
Discover all this at the powerhouse of our retreat series:
- Discover the path from “tired all the time”, to daily energy and vitality.
- Appreciate the biological and hormonal makeup of women and how that impacts our physical well being.
- Understand how our hormonal cycles and menopause impact our mental and physical health.
- Gain insight into common female health problems such as depression, anxiety, weight issues, body image issues and fatigue syndromes.
- Access true motivation for exercise and eating well.
- Personalise a sustainable health plan grounded in common sense.
- Experience pure vitality, irrespective of your current “health” status.
When you leave this workshop you will have a step-by-step plan for your feminine way to health and vitality.
Something that will stick because it fits you, your body and your needs, to BeVital.

BeLove: Relationships for life
All too often we ignore love in the pursuit of career success. Or the dramas of our love life become an all-consuming pull on our energy. When you really nourish your relationships, you free up massive amounts of energy to pour into your life’s big picture. At this powerfully profound event you will experience this and much more:
- Release the scars from past hurts and heartbreaks, and open up to love and trust again.
- Have sensitive and insightful conversations about sensuality and sex – get all your questions answered in a safe and supportive space.
- Explore deeply the Women’s PowerType™ of the Lover and how she can support your life in all contexts, not just the bedroom.
- Discover systems for resolving conflict at home and at work. Learn to appreciate and understand men, even fall in love with all men.
- Unleash your magnetic, wild, juicy and attractive self.
- How to attract and keep Mr & Mrs Right if you’re single.…and how to re-invigorate your relationship with your Mr & Mrs Right Now if you’re not!
While women often attend this retreat to work on their personal or work relationships, they leave having fallen madly, deeply in love with themselves. Once you BeLove - everything is easier.

BeWealth: Your life's legacy
Are you ready to turn money from a problem into a powerful ally to shape the world the way you want it?
You’re a smart, capable woman. Perhaps you are one of many women whose main frustration with herself is that she’s not as sorted as she’d like to be in the realm of money. But the good news is, you know it’s time to turn this around.
Over 2 powerfully supportive days, you will:
- Clarify your current financial position and your unconscious money blueprint (without feeling like a failure!)
- Identify and release specific blockages preventing you from being better with money.
- Integrate the 7 Prosperity Principles to create more time for you, for your family, for your future.
- Learn about the Energy Outcome Matrix™ and identify exact strategies to accelerate your financial growth.
- Explore the Women’s PowerType of the Sorceress to create real results.
- Implement the “Money Tree” management system, so you can easily track your growth and financial turnaround.
- Transform your own feelings of self-worth, so that you can ask for what you deserve, and accept it.
- Create a Soft PowerPlan for action for a great retirement lifestyle.
- Get personalized support from our hand selected group of Wealth Mentors.
Leave with the confidence to stand up, ask questions, and get the support you deserve. After all, wealth creation is a team game.

BeFulfilled: Your life’s work
This workshop is designed expressly to help you discover and define your inherent value, to express it, and be rewarded for it.
Our belief is when your life’s work is a true expression of your authentic self, work is a true joy.
A little taste of just some of what you will do over 2 days:
- Embrace the new work paradigm and align your career with your highest values.
- Discover your true talents, own your value, and get paid what you’re worth.
- Position yourself professionally and attract opportunity like a magnet.
- Decide: entrepreneur, employee, freelancer or nonprofit founder?
- Clarify your ideal lifestyle and create step-by-step plans to get there.
- Identifying the one thing holding you most stuck in your career, release it and plot a course forward.
- Discover the keys to fulfillment in every moment, regardless of results.
Life’s too short to waste a minute on something that isn’t making your heart sing. Connect with and express your talent and BeFulfilled.
The Lead The Change workshop series
Each time we come together for our core retreats, you will also experience an extra Lead the Change Exclusive day. Over the course of the year, devour 4-days of high-level content and experiences, not available anywhere else. These days are intimate, challenging, and profoundly supportive.
Twice monthly individual Soft PowerCoaching
Experience powerful flow, focus and accountability. You will work 1-1 with your highly-trained and personally supervised One of many coach for an hour, twice a month. If life stuff comes up, they are there to get you through it and back underway. By keeping you focused on only those things that are important to you, they serve as a constant advocate to do less and enjoy better results. They will keep you leading from your Soft Power for the entire duration of the 12-month journey.
Living The Change membership (12 months)
You will have access to additional online support with the Living The Change programme for the 12 months while you are on Lead the Change.
Monthly Soft PowerCircle
Every other week, join a powerful small circle of women (up to 15), and receive high level facilitated peer support. Your One of many coach will keep you aligned to your highest intentions, so every week counts. She will help you identify bottlenecks and support you to activate the magic of your circle to navigate them and build momentum. Enjoy profound and deep support from these women.
Monthly Soft PowerCasts
Receive a brief yet powerful training tidbit to keep you on track. You will re-focus your awareness. Let go of masculine habits and embrace your Soft Power.
The Change forum
You will have access to our wonderfully supportive environment of collaboration and care, exclusive to Lead the Change members, past and present. Facilitated by our Soft PowerCoaches; you will never be without a hundred helping hands and hearts.
PLUS free tickets to the One Woman Conference.
Get ready to join over 400 of the brightest minds and warmest hearts in the UK, as committed and inspiring professional women come together for the 2024 One Woman Conference.
Your Lead the Change Program
Join now for only £9,990
BeLove: Relationships for Life | £1195 |
BeVital: Energy for Life | £1195 |
BeFulfilled: Your Life’s Work | £1195 |
BeWealth: Your Life’s Legacy | £1195 |
Lead The Change Workshop Series | £2780 |
Soft PowerCasts | £299 |
Soft PowerCircle | £1920 |
Soft PowerCoaching | £7800 |
The Change Forum | £300 |
12 months membership of Living The Change | £444 |
Free Tickets to One Woman Conference | £254 |
Total value | £18,577 |
Join our transformative program for only £9,990 - your ticket to success!
Admission is by an Application Call only.
To apply, pay a refundable application fee to book a no-obligation conversation.
Lead the Change Stories
Here are some stories from past Lead the Change graduates

“When I first heard Jo speak about being a leader, it resonated.”
Something inside me was calling to do more, I knew I was one of the women she was speaking about, but I had such little confidence and so much doubt. I was a photographer. I had no business. I’d spent time in a dark place with depression.
It was comforting to be there because I could zone out. But in zoning out I wasn’t showing up with my family and that needed to change. I realized that leadership isn’t about putting on somebody else’s shoes but about really showing up one step at a time. You have to live it, breathe it and practice it. The LTC project really helped me to practice.
At the start of the year my project was to organize a local event to celebrate International Women’s Day in my community. A year later with new courage and my new leadership skills we celebrated again – the event doubled!
Without being Superwoman I collaborated with local business leaders, politicians, investors and funders. The project was a huge success, attracting over 1200 visitors and bringing together women and girls from all communities and backgrounds under the motto Equality for Women and Girls in the Age of Technology.
The confidence I have found has rippled out into other areas. My family are benefitting from my changes; I’m pretty sure they would say I’m a happier wife and mum. I have launched my own photography business. I am now earning good money and working with amazing clients.
Karen Roswell
Photographer. Wife and Mother.

“I couldn’t have imagined where Lead the Change would take me.”
I thought I had done my personal development. I’d been to those conferences that are supposed to change your life in a moment. I’d learnt the tools to change my state and manifest my destiny.
But apart from the short buzz of motivation, not a whole lot had changed in my life. I had a business that ticked the boxes, but wasn’t terribly inspiring. My marriage was loving, but not exactly passionate. There were two of us working full time, yet we struggled to pay the bills. I had friends on Facebook, but no-one to call when I had a bad day. Everything looked right on paper, but in reality just felt kind of meh. I started to believe there was something wrong with me.
The One Woman Conference made me realise that there wasn’t anything wrong with me. That nearly every woman in the room was feeling exactly the same way.
Lead the Change made me realise that not only was there nothing wrong with me, but that I was actually pretty amazing - and infinitely capable.
In 12 months, I changed nearly every aspect of my life. I launched a business solely focused on helping social entrepreneurs. And within 6 months started earning the kind of money that allowed my husband to quit the job he hated, and retrain in something he loves. And we are currently packing up our lives in London to start living a truly location independent lifestyle.
I couldn’t have done any of it without the support of the Lead the Change coaches and community. I’ve never felt so close to a group of women!
Cat Townsend
Brand Strategist. Social Entrepreneur. Wife, Daughter and Sister.

“I joined Lead the Change because I recognised I was heading towards burnout.”
I love what I do so much and am so driven to achieve. I hadn’t noticed the cost of this on my health. My first realisation was I needed to focus on me because I give so much to my children and clients. But as I continued in the program I realised I wasn’t giving enough to my husband. I’d become a “successful business woman” who was not focussed on what REALLY mattered – and what I thought I was working so hard for – MY FAMILY !
Working in corporates I became aware of how many other women were in the same place, or worse: high level jobs, high pressure and impossible goals. What about their families?
Women need a different way to live and achieve the success they want without becoming exhausted. Lead the Change has shown me that new way and it’s created a passion within me to end corporate burnout.
Julia Carter
Corporate Trainer. Wife and Mother.

“ I was suffering from adrenal fatigue and was unable to work.”
With both my husband and myself being self-employed this was financially very stressful and I was very worried about money. Lead the Change has been the catalyst for immense positive change. It put everything on the table; Health, Wealth, Relationships and Vitality; and got me thinking what am I going to do about this?
Through doing the program we have paid off our mortgage.
The relief is amazing! BeLove was a turning point in my vitality and I am now 2 years free of adrenal fatigue. With my health back on track and because I wasn’t worried about money I started to attract clients and business started to build up. I went from zero to 20 on-going ideal clients. My husband’s business has increased as well. So this program has worked wonders for both of us. I am so grateful it has given us both space to grow.
Heather Waring
Coach. Wife and Mother.

“My journey with Lead the Change has been one of growth and learning to be myself - and I thought I was myself before!”
But BeVital taught me I had a body, it wasn’t just a shell I carried around; BeWealth taught me to let go of fear and step into my calling; BeLove taught me that I have so much to be grateful for.
Lead the Change helped to define my ReConnected Life programme, and I know I wouldn’t be helping the women in my Community group in the same way - probably wouldn’t even have a Community group - if I hadn’t been part of Lead the Change. It’s given the confidence to make ending rape and supporting survivors my life’s work.
Emily Jacob
Coach for survivors of rape. Daughter & Friend.

“I’ve learned that when you have an inspiring vision, people just want to engage. And I use this now in how I run my business. I would always push but now there is just ease. It’s beautiful.”
I pledged to help the Harrow Women’s Centre. I’m turning my unused allotment into a Community Food Forest with women from the centre.
The response has been so positive. Instead of me feeling that I was always giving to other people, all of a sudden other people - the council, volunteers, fundraisers were contributing to my project - to this vision that I have for this beautiful space. I don’t have to DO a lot. It all happens around me.
Almira Ross
Digital Marketing Strategist. Wife and Mother.

“This program has been about fundamentals; who you are, and how you show up and the ripple effect that has on everyone around you; your family, your friends, colleagues and clients.”
I now live my life with ‘informed purpose. It’s not that life has suddenly become all unicorns and pixie dust - but what it’s given me is an enormous shovel that can handle any shit that life throws at me.
This was especially evident in getting through my divorce. I emerged, a year on with a great relationship with my exhusband; and two happy and well-adjusted children.’
I am healthier than I have been in a long time, and I now have the time and energy to channel into new ways of making a difference (I’m off next month for volunteer training to work over Christmas at local Night Shelters for homeless people in our community.)
April Blanchard
Market researcher. Business owner. Mum of two, one with special needs.
Lead the Change
Power to change your life. Power to change the world.
Admission is by an Application Call only.
To apply, pay a refundable application fee to book a no-obligation conversation today.
© One of many Ltd