Ignite love and passion and unleash the magnetic you

BeLove: Relationships for life

A two-day retreat to transform your personal relationships and discover profound self-love.

As successful professional women, it takes a lot to slow us down. Yet nothing stops us in our tracks faster than problems in the realm of the heart. It doesn’t matter how important the project, how vital the meeting – if we're lonely, hurting or heartbroken we don’t function at our best.

Similarly nothing has the power to give us momentum towards our vision more than knowing we are loved, deeply, intimately and fully. And this all starts with honestly loving ourselves.

While women often attend this retreat to work on their personal or work relationships, they leave having fallen madly, deeply in love with themselves. After that - everything is easier.

When you nourish your relationships, you free up massive amounts of energy to pour into your life’s big picture.

Join us for the most loved of the One of many® retreat series – BeLoveTM

All too often we ignore love in the pursuit of career success or the dramas of our love life become an all-consuming pull on our energy.


  • Identify and release your own personal barriers to love, the scars from past hurts and heartbreaks, and open up to love and trust again.
  • Have a deep and profound experience of unconditional love.
  • Have sensitive and insightful conversations about sensuality and sex – get all your questions answered in a safe and supportive space.
  • Explore deeply the Women’s PowerType™ of the Lover and how she can support your life in all contexts, not just the bedroom.
  • Discover systems for conflict resolution at home and at work, with conversation templates to overcome obstacles to communication.
  • Discover how to parent more consciously, and develop resilient independent kids.
  • Fall head over heels in love with yourself.
  • Unleash your magnetic, wild, juicy and attractive self.



  • A profound and intimate relationship with that special someone, that withstands the trials and tribulations of life, finances, kids, elderly parents, ill health – the works.
  • To find true love, (if your special someone hasn’t shown up yet) and know they’ll stick around.
  • Open, functional, caring relationships with everyone in your life: friends, colleagues, children.
  • To know you are deeply loved by others.
  • To feel a deep self-love



Our Panel of Men will answer all of your most intimate questions on love, intimacy, sex, women, men, parenting – anything! Whether or not your partner is male, in this remarkably safe environment you will gain insight into the masculine you never knew possible.

BeLove: Relationships for life

Once you BeLove- everything is easier

Bonus Program: Love in action

The BeLove Retreat will be a powerfully transformational 2 days. We are masters at events that are interactive, engaging and rich with connecting and learning. And we know that it takes time to implement everything you will learn – so when you join us for the retreat you’ll also receive the Love in Action program.

This valuable bonus training includes:

  • Love in Action - 3 training sessions, recorded by one of our specialised trainers to ensure you implement everything you learn at the event and provide additional support.

Additional bonus to support your success

Start your journey of learning early by completing the One of many® Women’s PowerTypes™ Profile.

Here at One of many™ we don’t believe you have to behave like a man to be taken seriously. But most of us avoid being seen to be too “feminine” because we assume it is weak. It isn’t.

That’s why we work with the Five Women’s PowerTypes™. Five stunning examples of how we can be authentic to the softer aspects of our nature, while remaining bold, feisty and in command.

We have created a powerful profiling tool to help you uncover your strongest, most natural women’s leadership style. You will receive your free token to complete your profile once you enrol in BeLove. (Value £77)

Next Retreat dates

In Person

Friday the 11th to Saturday the 12th of July, 2025

Optional primer evening
Thursday the 10th of July, 2025:
(Meet your companions and set intentions)

Essential retreat times

Friday 11th July, 2025:
(Registration from 8:30am) 9-7pm

Saturday 12th July, 2025:


Stratford Manor, Warwick Rd,
Stratford-upon-Avon CV37 0PY

Phone: 01789 731173

Choose your retreat style

BeLove Retreat

Inclusions for Retreat Value
BeLove Retreat - including 2 days tuition, bonus session on Thursday evening, buffet lunch on Friday and Saturday.
Love in Action - 3 training sessions, recorded by one of our specialised trainers to ensure you implement everything you learn at the event and provide additional support.
Additional bonus to support your success: Women’s PowerTypes™ Profile
Total Value
Your Price Today

We also have cash flow options available. Please note if you choose to pay in full you will receive a special bonus of “BeFruitful: Time and Energy Management for Busy Women" valued at £247. Places are limited – so reserve your spot now.

Got questions? Want to feel certain you’re definitely going to get the value you need from this experience? Click here to book in a chat with the team to answer any queries you may have about joining. We know that investing in YOU is something many of us struggle with. But we believe that, when you’re happy in your relationships, every other area of your life will be transformed. Give yourself the boost you need to get back on track, and your impact increases exponentially.


100% happy guarantee

I know that this workshop will help you in your life in the area of self-love and relationships. Which is why I am confident to offer you what could seem like a crazy guarantee!

Join me for the workshop, and stay up until lunch time on the second day, and if you are still not convinced that what you have learnt will make a difference in your relationships and life, just contact one of the staff at the event and you will receive a 100% refund.

What previous participants say about BeLove

Jen Goddard - Actuary and coach
Catherine Watkin - Sales coach
Marilyn Rixhon
“I was having challenges with conversations with my husband, my daughter and my family members. Nothing could be said about meeting our wants and needs without conflict arising. BeLove gave me a deeper understanding about how I can enter into a conversation and frame it so that we all get what we need. We’re all happy bunnies. You should go soon!”
Elizabeth Calderera
Special educational needs (SEN) specialist.
"Wow!… I came with the intention of wanting to learn more about loving myself, putting myself first, and self-care. And otherwise I didn’t know what to expect. But the big ah ha for me this weekend has been realising that I can connect with my children and my husband again in a way I haven’t done for a long time. I can’t wait to go home and see them all and let them know how much I appreciate them."
Hannah Beko
Lawyer and coach.
"A massive realisation for me was understanding my relationship needs, which were very different to what I thought they were. If you are looking to manifest love in your life this is a must before you do anything else.”
Helen Leathers
Psychic and spiritual development trainer and coach.

Meet your trainers


Dr Joanna Martin

One of Many®
Visionary. Coach.
Catalyst. Entrepreneur.
Activist. Protective Sister.
Toddler Wrangler. Seeker.

Annie Stoker

Master Trainer and Head of Coaching One of Many®
Psychotherapist. Author.
Property Investor.
Chilled-Out Friend.

Susie Heath

Master Trainer and Coach
One of Many®
Fashion Designer.
Horticulturist. Author.
Grandmother. Dancer.
Lover of Men.

BeLove: Relationships for life

Once you BeLove- everything is easier